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Energy Bands can be used worldwide due to their simple and flexible installation

For each country, it is necessary to consider: the routes along which Energy Bands make sense, whether they should be small and distributed on an as-needed basis or run along long motorways, the main consumers and important types of storage towards which they can run, and the other renewables with which they should be coupled.

In addition to the prerequisite of a functioning infrastructure, the country must also have a comparatively low crime rate, as photovoltaic installations can otherwise be stolen.

In addition, it is necessary to investigate which local and inexpensive, durable construction materials can be used to build the Energy Bands, since they consist of simple commodity components, but poles made out of steel would be are a larger cost item.

An example in Asia: Cambodia Cambodia is developing rapidly but is heavily dependent on coal (44%), while economic growth is significantly increasing energy demand

If the land is evaluated along various parameters, the Energy Bands prove to be an attractive option:
Politically stable: low risk of organized asset theft
Low SDG score for clean energy, but with significant political will to improve
Strong government support for photovoltaics as hydropower proves to be too dependent on monsoons
Very high SDG rating for climate protection measures
Availability of electricity: 86.40% (rapidly increasing)
Energy dependence: 15% (11% Vietnam, 3% Thailand etc.)
Current main power source: Hydroelectric (46%) and coal (45%).
Scope for CO2 reduction: firewood is the main fuel for more than 60% of households

With more than half the population still cooking with firewood, Energy Bands could contribute significantly to CO2 reduction in large parts of the country

Energy Bands along Highway 5 in Cambodia could supply power directly to agricultural settlements on the left and right of the highway, and feed surplus energy into the existing power grid at the same time

Highway 5, which connects Phnom Penh with Battambang, runs parallel to one of the few 230 kV high-voltage power lines in Cambodia, constantly crossing farming settlements along the way. Power lines could not only run along the main highway, but also feed into smaller roads to the left and right of the highway to provide electricity to more rural areas.

Google Earth
Google Earth

While in the present feasibility study for Germany the poles (masts) of the Energy Bands were planned to be made of stainless steel in iron truss structure, completely different materials and structures are conceivable in other countries

Energy Bands do not have to look the same everywhere, neither with regard to the masts nor with regard to the arrangement and size of the photovoltaic modules. Rather, they can be designed differently from country to country and can also take on different shapes along their course in a completely adaptive manner, e.g. sometimes as taller masts and sometimes as lower or smaller elevations.

The design of the Energy Bands can be adaptively adjusted to the conditions of the sections through which they run

The steel masts planned for Energy Bands in Europe represent a major cost block

In countries like Cambodia, it makes sense to make the masts or poles of the Energy Bands from an inexpensive, local raw material: for example bamboo, a very sustainable building material.

Bamboo can achieve the compressive strength of concrete and be as strong as steel. It is not only CO2-neutral in its production, but as a renewable raw material it also binds greenhouse gas as it grows.

In addition, in such humid regions, stainless steel would have to be used for the Energy Bands masts, which would again significantly increase the cost – while bamboo is a proven mateterial fo rhte climatei n those regions.

Hiroyuki Oki - archdaily.cn

Bamboo is particularly energy-saving in production and thus sustainable and climate-friendly - it also burns very poorly after appropriate treatment and can be installed without problems

Various buildings in this world have already been erected with bamboo as a static load-bearing element. Thus, the columns and braces of the Energy Bands in Asia and in large parts of Africa can also be built from bamboo.

Nikunja - Markus_Heinsdorff

An example in Africa: Rwanda needs both on-grid and off-grid solutions to achieve 100% electricity access nationwide

With biomass being the main source of fuel for both households and industry, and only 73% of households having access to electricity, there is a great need for new clean energy sources in Rwanda - especially given the projected economic growth. The country also has the best conditions for the use of Energy Bands:

Politically stable - moderate risk of organized equipment theft
Low SDG score for clean energy, but with significant political will to improve
Government target: increase electricity connection rate from 73% of households to 100% by 2024, 70% with grid connection, 30% with off-grid solutions - high SDG score for climate action.

Availability of electricity: 73% of households, 51% connected to the grid, 22% off-grid (mainly solar).
The country's energy dependency is currently low - however, to achieve 100% electricity availability in 2024 (the government's target), electricity will have to be imported.
The current major energy sources have potential for improvement: hydropower (47%), thermal power (27% - diesel and oil generators), methane (extraction of natural gas dissolved in Lake Kivu), peat (7%), and solar power (5% - excluding distributed generation).

Potential for CO2 reduction: Biomass is still an important fuel source, both for households and industry.

Energy Bands in Rwanda need to be carefully placed in areas where tourism is not affected and where roads are not lined with shade trees.

Rwanda still has large forested regions, and installing Energy Bands on highways that are shaded by trees would significantly reduce the energy production of the Energy Bands. Therefore, only selected highways are considered.

The Energy Bands in different provinces shown below could generate 1.3 TWh, or nearly 25% of the 6 TWh of Rwanda's electricity consumption.

Google Earth

If Rwanda is to reduce its carbon footprint, biomass will have to be replaced by electricity as the main source of fuel - and once solar cars are introduced, there will be an additional increase in demand for electricity across the country

Paved roads are required to install Energy Bands, and much of Rwanda's energy consumption takes place far from the nearest highway. But as the economy develops, it will be a worthwhile investment if the major highways (which do not pass through tourist attractions or nature reserves) are equipped with Energy Bands. They can collect power for "service stations" that are converted to power plants, while cables run from the highway, acting as an "energy backbone," to smaller and remote rural locations. Small power storage facilities could be installed at certain nodes, or local dams could be supplied with surplus power from the Energy Bands: Each region must build its own system of elements or "modules" that provide a stable power supply.

Google Earth

An example from South America: Bolivia has a high potential for solar power generation, but it is not yet fully exploited

The population in the northern and western parts of the country is still largely not connected to the national power grid and is either supplied by the off-grid system (aislado) or has no access to electricity at all. The off-grid system consists of numerous self-suppliers and independent power plants in rural or remote areas. These structures can be optimally supplemented by Energy Bands and, if necessary, interconnected by them. The country also offers good conditions for Energy Bands:

Politically stable - low risk of organized equipment theft (slightly higher than in Cambodia or Rwanda).
Significant clean energy challenges, as the country (still) has natural gas reserves  
The government subsidizes the natural gas industry, making it difficult for renewables to compete

Electricity availability: Almost 100%
Energy dependence: Bolivia is not only self-sufficient, but also a major exporter of natural gas - although resources are diminishing rapidly
Currently, the most important sources of energy are: gas (59%) and hydropower (31%), bioenergy 5%, solar energy 3%, wind energy 1% - but recent major investment have been made in Oruro in solar energy (100 MW)


Due to its excellent solar potential, Bolivia could generate about 10 TWh with 110 km of Energy Bands

While some of the highways in the sun-exposed parts of the country are easily accessible and installation of Energy Bands should not be problematic, installation of Energy Bands in many parts could be difficult due to geological conditions.

But even if only isolated sections of the highway network in Bolivia are used, Energy Bands can still contribute at least 10% to the country's energy consumption of 91 TWh/a.

Google Earth

Conclusion: Energy Bands can improve the energy supply in all countries in a small-scale, flexible and (built with local materials) also very cost-effective way, especially in a decentralized way, without having to implement large, technically demanding infrastructure projects